Free Handout: Top Essential Oils for Coronavirus Covid-19 Protection and Healing


Thanks for watching the interview of Greg Lee by Dr. Tom Moorcroft on the Origins on Health Facebook Live Thursday April 23rd!

Coronavirus or COVID19 is a new viral infection that originated in Wuhan China. It is now a world-wide pandemic.

Based on research and reports from Chinese hospitals on the remedies that are helping Covid-19 patients to protect themselves and heal faster, this valuable handout describes the essential oils which have very similar healing properties. Some of these essential oils have been effective against the SARS Coronavirus in lab studies.

Please enter your name and email in the form and we'll deliver in your inbox a  free handout on experimental essential oils that may help with prevention and healing of the Covid-19 Coronavirus infection.

You'll also receive periodic emails about remedies and treatments that are helping Coronavirus patients.

Stay healthy!
