"MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staph) are drug resistant Staph in the sinuses that secrete toxins that lower MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone), produce substances that destroy red blood cells (hemolysins), and raise cytokine levels.
A nasal spray called BEG (Bactroban/EDTA/Gentamicin) is used to destroy MARCoNS. Bactroban and Gentamicin work together against the MARCoNS while EDTA dissolves the protective biofilm that the bacteria produces.
Biofilm is a slime-like substance created by bacteria to help them attach to a surface, stick to each other to form colonies, and to protect themselves from immune attack or antibiotics.
The biofilm created by the MARCoNS bacteria is part of what creates its antibiotic resistance. When first beginning treatment for MARCoNS, some patients may feel their symptoms get worse in the beginning. The reason is because as the biofilm is broken down, the encased bacteria is exposed along with its toxins, resulting in a temporary increase in toxin levels." https://www.survivingmold.com/docs/UNDERSTANDING_CIRS_EDITV2A.PDF
Antibiotics don't always clear MARCoNs for several reasons:
- Drug resistant mold, fungi or Candida have also colonized the sinuses and are not killed off
- Heavy metals like aluminum, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and arsenic are creating more resistant biofilms and infections
- Fibrin or scar tissue creates an impermeable layer which protects pathogens from antibiotics and the immune system
Treatments and Remedies for Resistant MARCoNs
Nasoneb delivery of MARCoNs remedies https://amzn.to/39sgGv9 delivers anti-Staph medicines under higher pressure than sinus pump sprayers to penetrate deeper into the rear sinuses.
Here is a video of using essential oils in a NasoNeb
Briotech Hypochlorous Acid for MARCoNs, biofilms, coronaviruses, and fungi https://amzn.to/39qkLzO
Can use 1 ml squirted into each nasal passage for killing Staph and coronaviruses. People with irritated sinuses may experience a burning sensation. Practitioner pricing is available from the manufacturer.
American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Health Max 30 https://amzn.to/3t3Jn9n for MARCoNs, viruses, mold and fungi.
Can use 1 ml squirted into each nasal passage for killing Staph, mold, fungi, and coronaviruses. Practitioner pricing is available from the manufacturer and on Emerson.
Xylitol dissolved in pure water added to the Nasoneb alone or with other remedies to target Staph, biofilms, mold and fungi. https://amzn.to/39wEUVb
Xlear Xylitol nasal spray can sprayed in the sinuses or added to the Nasoneb. https://amzn.to/39s2rq3
Anti-drug resistant Staph / MRSA essential oils added to the remedies above. Very low dose a fraction of a drop added to the remedies above in the Nasoneb or mixed with a carrier oil and taken intranasally, sublingual, topically, via laser on the sinuses (don't shoot your other eye out), and diffuser.
- Ajowan
- Basil
- Black cumin seed
- Cardamom
- Eucalyptus globulus
- Helichrysum
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
- Mountain savory
- Oregano
- Spearmint
- Tea tree
- Thyme
Bio K+ Probiotics which kill drug resistant Staph https://amzn.to/3osoxNt can add a 1/4 - 1/2 capsule to 1 ml of water in the Nasoneb. Should be done separate from the antimicrobial remedies above.
Bacillus probiotics inhibit the colonization of Staph in human studies. Thorne Research - Bacillus Coagulans Probiotic https://amzn.to/2YpmHT6 can add a 1/4 - 1/2 capsule to 1 ml of water in the Nasoneb. Should be done separate from the antimicrobial remedies above. Practitioner pricing is available from the manufacturer and on Emerson.