How Enzymes for Dissolving Biofilms Can Increase Pain and Herbs That Can Relieve It

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pandoras jar
For people with recurring Lyme disease pains due to breaking up biofilms
By Greg Lee

Remember the Greek myth of Pandora? Pandora was given a jar, which was changed from a jar into a box in a later version, and told to never open it. Her curiosity got the best of her and she opened and released the evils inside the jar. The evils were then able to spread across the earth causing trouble, pain, and destruction. The only thing left in the jar was hope, which she was able to release by opening the jar a second time.

How is the myth of Pandora similar to using enzymes to dissolve Lyme disease biofilms?

Similar to opening Pandora’s jar, taking enzyme supplements for breaking up biofilms can release hidden pains
At a recent seminar, medical practitioners were shown how earthworm enzymes are able to break up slimy biofilms and uncover hidden Lyme disease bacteria. A biofilm is a protective slime that bacteria and other germs encase themselves in to avoid being killed. These special enzymes dissolve protective biofilms and enable medications, herbs, and the immune system to more effectively kill hidden germs. Not only do these enzymes cut through biofilms, but they release the germs hidden within.

When biofilms are dissolved, they release hidden germs and painful toxins
After taking these enzymes, patients have reported feeling more toxic. This toxic feeling has been compared to a Herxheimer reaction. A Herxheimer reaction is described as a release of toxins that occurs when bacteria are killed. As these enzymes dissolve protective biofilms, the underlying germs get killed off by medications, herbs, treatments, or the immune system, which releases more toxins. This increase in toxins can lead to greater pain, fatigue, and mental confusion. Not only do these enzymes dissolve biofilms, they also dissolve coagulated blood deposits.

These enzymes also dissolve coagulated deposits that block oxygen flow into tissues
When a person has a trauma that breaks blood vessels, the circulation system produces a substance called fibrin to stop the bleeding. Fibrin plugs the damage in blood vessels and helps to form a blood clot. Excess fibrin circulates in the blood stream and ends up being deposited on the inside of your blood vessels. These deposits are like a plaque that can slow down or prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting into your tissues.  These fibrin deposits are also referred to as coagulated blood. When enzymes dissolve these coagulated blood deposits, then your cells benefit from more oxygen and nutrients. However, there is also a downside to dissolving coagulated blood.

Dissolving coagulated blood deposits can cause bruising and bring up painful emotions
At elevated doses, some people report bruising when taking these enzymes. Chinese herbal medicine describes how emotions, thoughts, and memories can be stored in coagulated blood deposits. Another side effect of taking these enzymes is that some people have reported feeling bouts of anxiety, experiencing painful memories, or being troubled by deeply negative thoughts. These uncomfortable experiences have recurred for weeks or months in a few people. How can Chinese medicine help people with these uncomfortable thoughts and emotions?

Fortunately, there are herbs that can help to relieve painful emotions
In Chinese herbal medicine, there is a group of herbs classified as “calm the spirit.” These herbs help to heal the source of painful emotions and troubling thoughts.

Herb #1) Oyster shell, Chinese name: Mu Li1
The properties of this herb are salty, cool, and and astringent. Crushed or powdered, oyster shell is used to treat dizziness, vertigo, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, short temper, restlessness, and tinnitus. It is also used to treat convulsions, muscle twitches, lumps, and palpable masses like scrophula and goiter. It is also highly effective for stopping sweating, uterine bleeding, and vaginal discharge. Oyster shell is alkaline which is used to treat stomach acidity, reflux, heartburn, ulcers, and stomach pain. Oyster shell is also used to settle and calm the spirit.

There are no documented herb drug interactions at the time of publication. This herb is contraindicated in people with shellfish allergies.

2) Radix Polygalae, Chinese name: Yuan Zhi2
The properties of this herb are acrid, bitter, slightly warm. Polygala is used to pacify the heart and calm the spirit. It strengthens the heart and is used to treat restlessness, palpitations, palpitations with anxiety, insomnia, excessive dreaming, and nocturnal emissions. Polygala also treats mental and emotional disorientation, forgetfulness, memory loss, the inability to concentrate, seizures, delirium, mania, stupor, and hearing loss. This herb also expels phlegm, and treats coughing with white sputum, bronchitis, pneumonia, and respiratory disorders. It is also used for boils, abscesses, sores, swollen or painful breasts.

This herb is to be used with caution in patients with gastritis, peptic or duodenal ulcers. It is also to be used with caution in pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions. Water and alcohol extracts of this herb have an inhibitory effect on diplococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia), bacillus dysenteriae (dysentery), Salmonella typhi, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis (tuberculosis). In one study, this herb reduced the impairment on learning and memory caused by ethanol. Polygala has a diuretic effect and concurrent use with diuretics like chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide (Lasix), bumetanide (Burmex), and torsemide (Demadex) may lead to increased elimination of water and/or electrolytes.

3) Reishi mushroom / Ganoderma, Chinese name: Ling Zhi3
The properties of this herb are sweet and neutral. Reishi mushroom nourishes the heart and calms the spirit. strengthens the heart and spleen, and stops coughing and wheezing. This herb treats insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, listlessness, diabetes, and poor appetite. It also treats coughing caused by cold, profuse sputum, rapid breathing, and chronic asthma. Reishi also replenishes energy and blood. It is helpful with weak digestion, loose stools, fatigue, dizziness, and low back soreness.

This herb has been shown to enhance the immune system by increasing monocytes, macrophages, and T-lymphocytes. It also increases the production of Interleukin-12 (IL-12). In different Lyme disease studies, IL-12 increased arthritis in one mouse study and decreased arthritis in another mammal study. It contains ganoderic acid which help fight auto-immune diseases, inhibit histamine release, improve oxygen utilization, improve liver functions, are potent antioxidant free-radical scavengers, and supports neurological healing.

Reishi has a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity. It inhibits the growth of E. coli, B. dysentery, Pseudonomas spp. pneumococci, streptococci type A, and staphylococci. There are no documented herb drug interactions at the time of publication.

Combining one or more of these herbs can help reduce or eliminate painful emotions that come up when biofilms get dissolved.

The right herbs can help relieve the pains uncovered by enzymes used for dissolving biofilms
Just like opening Pandora’s Jar, enzymes for dissolving biofilms can lead to increased pain for people with Lyme disease. Not only can these enzymes release toxins under biofilms, they can also bring up painful emotions that are hidden in coagulated blood deposits. Just like Pandora opening her jar a second time to let hope out, there are calm spirit herbs that can help to relieve painful emotions. Consult with a Lyme literate herbalist to help reduce or eliminate the pains released when dissolving biofilms. The right combination of herbs can help soothe troubled emotions and neutralize painful toxins.

1. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., pp. 797 – 799.
2. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., pp. 766 – 767.
3. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., pp. 770 – 771.

Next Step: Learn more about cutting through Lyme disease biofilms at an evening lecture at 6pm on Monday July 11th called,  “Getting Rid of Lyme Disease” (click the title for more info) in Frederick, Maryland.

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