How to Put Out the Fire in Your Burning Bartonella Feet

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You hear the wail of sirens signaling the arrival of several fire engines. Down the street, you see firemen carrying hoses up to a house with black smoke billowing out of it. From inside the house, you hear the sounds of breaking glass and the shouts of firemen. Suddenly, the smoke from the house suddenly turns from black to white as firemen spray hundreds of gallons of water on the fire.

How is putting out a house fire similar to eliminating a Bartonella bacteria infection?

People with a Bartonella infection can feel just like they are inside a burning house
People can get this disease from insect bites, coming into contact with infected pet saliva, or being scratched by an infected animal. As a result of tick bites, many people with Lyme disease also get Bartonella. They can have hot, burning, painful sensations in their feet, legs, arms, and/or hands. Other symptoms can include bouts of anxiety, irritability, and/or suicidal depression. Unfortunately, this infection can be difficult to eliminate.

Bartonella can hide in your blood cells
At a recent lecture, a prominent Lyme literate physician gave his opinion that Bartonella can be harder to clear than Lyme disease with antibiotics. Another physician, Dr. James Schaller describes Bartonella:

“Bartonella is a powerful emerging infection with 32 species that causes dozens of psychiatric, neurological, heart, eye, liver problems and promotes: depression, heart attacks, strokes, rage, migraines, agitation, damage to any organ, personality changes, brain fog, ADD, heart valve injury, fatigue, bipolar disorder.”

Research studies show that Bartonella is able to hide inside of red blood cells1. This may be one of the reasons why some researchers find that it is harder to kill in the body.

Bartonella appears to resist many antibiotics
According to a John Hopkins website, six species are known to cause disease in humans. In 2007, the newest species of this bug that infects humans was discovered in sheep. Research studies have reported that antibiotics kill Bartonella more effectively in the lab and not as effectively in patients. One reason is that it is able to develop resistance against certain drugs2. Other Lyme literate physicians use a combination of different drugs to combat Bartonella.

If physicians describe Bartonella as a difficult infection to treat, what else can help you to eliminate it?

An eastern solution for addressing Bartonella
Since Bartonella symptoms can show up as heat in different parts of the body and emotional agitation this implies that this infection has a hot or “Yang” quality. And given that this infection can affect every organ, including the brain, implies that the bacteria and its toxins are able to wander into every part of the body. These qualities can be characterized by something called “fire toxins” in Chinese Medicine. Fortunately, there are ways to help you to clear these fire toxins and eliminate this infection.

A Chinese herbal strategy for putting out the fire of Bartonella
In Chinese herbal medicine, an herb called “houttuynia” is classified as “Clearing Heat and Relieving Toxicity.” This herb has been successfully used to treat Bartonella by a Chinese physician in New York named Dr. Q. Zhang3. This herb has antibacterial and antiviral properties in addition to clearing heat and toxins. Fortunately this herb can be combined with other herbs to help relieve Bartonella symptoms.

Carrier herbs help to target Bartonella symptoms
Patients experience a dramatic reduction of their Bartonella symptoms when microparticle houttuynia is combined with other special herbs, called “carrier herbs.” Carrier herbs are like taxis that “carry” other herbs into specific parts of the body. If a patient has burning legs or feet, then an herb called “dipsacus” or Japanese teasel root can carry houttuynia into the lower extremities. Cinnamon twigs are used to carry houttuynia into the lymph system, the hands, and feet. Kudzu is used to deliver houttuynia into the shoulders and neck. Adding organ protecting herbs also helps to reduce Bartonella symptoms.

Other herbs help to protect your organs against a Bartonella infection
Ginseng and salvia can be used to reduce palpitations and protect the heart against inflammation. Licorice and schissandra are used to protect the liver from infection and damaging toxins. Ligusticum and acorus are used to help clear brain fog and protect against inflammation. Mint and kudzu help to vent rashes out of the skin. When adding protecting herbs to a customized mixture of herbs patients report significant improvements.

Patients report reduced Bartonella symptoms
When patients take 2-4 grams of houttuynia each day combined with carrier and organ protecting herbs, they have reported a dramatic decrease in their burning sensations in their extremities. In as little as one week, some patients have had 90% of their burning symptoms disappear. Other Bartonella patients have also reported feeling less irritible, having more energy, and significantly reduced headaches. Others report less heart palpitations and improved mental clarity. Using the right set of herbs can address your specific symptoms.

The right combination of herbs can help you eliminate Bartonella symptoms
Just like putting out a house fire, using a customized combination herbs can help you to put out burning Bartonella symptoms. Adding carrier herbs and organ protecting herbs also helps you to target painful areas in your body and helps your organs to heal. Consult with a trained Chinese herbalist to help you formulate the best herbs for zapping your Bartonella symptoms.

>> Next step: Click here to take our Stealthy Co-infection Quiz to see which tick infections may be causing your symptoms.

P.S. Do you have experiences where treatment or remedies helped you relieve burning pains from Bartonella? Tell us about it.

1. Rolain JM, Novelli S, Ventosilla P, Maguina C, Guerra H, Raoult D. Immunofluorescence detection of Bartonella bacilliformis flagella in vitro and in vivo in human red blood cells as viewed by laser confocal microscopy. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Jun;990:581-4.

2. Biswas S, Raoult D, Rolain JM. Molecular mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics in Bartonella bacilliformis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2007 Jun;59(6):1065-70.

3. Zhang, Q., and Y Zhang (2006). Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine. New York, Sino-Med Research Institute.

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