Five Essential Oils for Fighting a Persistent Mycoplasma Infection

Greg Blog 28 Comments

For people struggling with a recurring mycoplasma fatigue and joint pain
by Greg Lee

I once asked my mom for her secret recipe for barbeque steak. I would savor each bite as it filled my mouth with delicious flavor. I started salivating when I read her well-worn 3×5 card with the list of ingredients: steak, garlic (lots!), sugar, soy sauce, spring onions, rice wine, pepper, sesame seeds, and sesame oil. I felt like I discovered her hidden secret for flavor when I read: “poke holes in the meat with a fork and marinade overnight in the refrigerator.”

How can knowing about marinades help you to fight a persistent mycoplasma infection?

Mycoplasma infections can be found throughout into the body
Mycoplasmas are very small bacteria that can spread throughout the body and have been found especially in the lungs and heart1, central nervous system2, and the blood3. Mycoplasma infections have been linked to illnesses including: multiple sclerosis4, cancer5, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia6, arthritis and hepatitus7. Patients report a wide range of symptoms including: respiratory tract infections, fever, chest pain, neurological problems, meningitis, encephalitis, and hemolytic anemia. These symptoms may persist despite antibiotic treatment because mycoplasma can develop drug resistance.

Antibiotic resistant mycoplasma infections are being found across the world
In multiple studies, macrolide or tetracycline antibiotic resistant mycoplasma have been found in North America8, Asia9,10, and Europe11. These germs can also form biofilms12, which can increase drug resistance up to five-thousand fold13. In addition to developing drug resistance, these germs can also hide inside cells14 which makes killing them much more challenging.

What else besides antibiotics can help you fight a persistent biofilm and intracellular mycoplasma infection?

Essential oils may help you fight a persistent mycoplasma infection
Fortunately, there are five essential oils that have anti-mycoplasma properties. These oils have been effective against multiple mycoplasma species. When these oils are formulated into a microparticle called a liposome, they may have a greater ability to penetrate deeper into biofilms and inside cells and kill mycoplasma in their hiding places. Fortunately, these essential oils have been used safely for decades for food preservation and in therapeutic treatments topically and internally.

Anti-Mycoplasma Essential Oil #1: Bergamot orange, Citrus Bergamia
The properties of this essential oil are cooling, refreshing, and astringent. It is recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)15. However, bergamot essential oils that contain furanocoumarins are phototoxic potentially carcinogenic, and can lead to blistering if exposed to UV light or sunlight after being applied to the skin topically. Fortunately, there are furanocoumarin-free oils, labelled as bergamot essential oil (FCF) which are non-toxic16.

In one experiment, bergamot essential oil and its major components (limonene, linalyl acetate and linalool were tested against forty-two strains of Mycoplasma hominis, two strains of Mycoplasma fermentans, and one strain of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. All strains were inhibited at 0.5% (M. hominis and M. pneumonia) to 1% (M. fermentans) minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) levels by bergamot essential oil. Linalyl acetate was highly effective against M. hominis and M. pneumonia with MIC levels of 0.015% and M. fermentan at MIC levels of 0.12%. Linalool had MIC values of 0.015% against M. pneumoniae, 0.06% MIC levels against M. fermentans, and 1% MIC levels against M. hominis. Limonene had MIC levels of 0.03% against M. pneumoniae, 1% against M. fermentans, and >4% against M. hominis17.

In other experiments, liposomal bergamot essential oil demonstrated anti-cancer properties18, the essential oil modulates intracellular calcium levels19, vaporized bergamot and orange essential oils remove methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus sp. (VRE) and their biofilms20, lavender and bergamot essential oil mixture helps to reduce anxiety and depression21, and bergamot essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects22. Another essential oil derived from tea tree also has anti-mycoplasma properties.

Anti-Mycoplasma Essential Oil #2: Tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia
The properties of this essential oil are warming and fragrant. High doses, approximately a teaspoon to a half a teacup, of tea tree oil have resulted in ataxia, drowsiness, diarrhea, unconsciousness, and allergic reactions. Maximum topical dose is 15% when combined with other essential oils or carrier oils23.

In two studies, tea tree essential oil demonstrated anti-mycoplasma effects at very low concentrations. Against M. pneumoniae, MIC was 0.006% for the wild type and 0.003% against mutant strains24. In the second study, M. pneumoniae showed MIC values of 0.01%, M. fermentans, showed MIC values of 0.06%, and M. hominis was 0.12%25.

In other studies, tea tree has been effective against drug resistant MRSA, streptococcus, and candida26, reducing inflammation and stimulating pro-inflammatory cytokines27, and preventing influenza28. A combination of essential oils also demonstrated anti-mycoplasma properties in an animal study.

Anti-Mycoplasma Essential Oils #3: Peppermint, Mentha piperita combined with #4 Eucalyptus, species
The properties of peppermint essential oil are cooling, releases the exterior, and pungent. It is recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)29. However, massive doses of peppermint essential oils, 4g/kg, produce neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, convulsions, and paralysis in animal studies30.

In one animal study, a commercial combination of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils (Mentofin) helped to reduce the effects of a Mycoplasma gallisepticum and H9N2 infection in chickens by reducing mucus production and levels of intracellular infection³¹. In laboratory studies, peppermint essential oil combined with beta-lactam antibiotics reduces antibiotic resistance in drug resistant E. coli³², demonstrated moderate antibacterial activity against: Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmonella enterica, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa³³, inhibits candida and it’s biofilms³⁴., and peppermint combined with spearmint essential oil reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting³⁵. Peppermint essential oil use is contraindicated in cases of cardiac fibrillation and in patients with a G6PD (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) deficiency.

Anti-Mycoplasma Essential oil #4 Eucalyptus, spp
The properties of eucalyptus essential oil are cooling, disperses wind, and releases the exterior. This essential oil is contraindicated in patients with inflammatory disease in their gastro-intestinal tract and bile ducts, and in cases with severe liver disease³⁶. Multiple cases of acute toxicity have been reported in adults and children after ingesting 5 ml to 75 ml with signs of central nervous system depression, abnormal respiration, and pinpoint pupils. Other symptoms of acute toxicity may include: stomach pain, vomiting, weak legs, cold sweats, headaches, and even death.

In laboratory and animal tests, eucalyptus essential oil demonstrated anti-bacterial activity against E. coli³⁷, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae³⁸, Streptococcus mutans³⁹, Candida albicans⁴⁰, and reduces inflammation⁴¹. In addition to peppermint and eucalyptus, cinnamon oil was also effective at inhibiting mycoplasma.

Anti-Mycoplasma Essential Oil #5 Cinnamon bark
The properties of cinnamon essential oil are hot and sweet. It is recognized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)⁴². In a lab study, cinnamon bark essential oil had antimicrobial activity against fifty clinical isolates of Mycoplasma hominis⁴³. In multiple lab studies, cinnamon bark essential oil has also been effective against drug persistent Lyme disease and it’s biofilms⁴⁴, drug-resistant Candida⁴⁵, Brucella abortus⁴⁶, and Aspergillus mold species and it’s toxins⁴⁷. In another lab study, liposomal cinnamon bark essential oil was effective at inhibiting drug resistant staphylococcus (MRSA) and it’s biofilms⁴⁸.

Caution: cinnamon oil has produced allergic dermatitis in some cases when placed on the skin. This oil may interfere with blood clotting. In one case, a boy drank 60 ml of cinnamon oil upon a dare and experienced symptoms of burning sensation in the mouth, chest and stomach, dizziness, double vision, nausea, vomiting and later collapsed. Microparticle essential oils may help enhance the fight against persistent mycoplasma symptoms.

Patients with mycoplasma report a significant reduction of chronic symptoms
After taking internal doses of microparticle “liposomal” essential oil mixtures containing one or more of the oils above, several patients have reported significant reduction in muscular and joint pain, headaches, insomnia, inflammation, fatigue, and mental fog, and confusion. In some cases, symptoms were aggravated due to a toxic die off Herxheimer reaction. Using essential oils in a careful, targeted strategy may help to reduce persistent mycoplasma symptoms.

The right essential oils can help you to fight off a persistent mycoplasma infection
Just like the right marinade, the proper anti-mycoplasma essential oils in a microparticle liposome may penetrate deeper into cells, under biofilms, and into the brain where mycoplasmas can cause troubling symptoms. These oils may help to significantly reduce the persistent pain, fatigue, and mental fog caused by these germs. Since these oils come with cautions and contraindications on their use, work with a Lyme literate essential oil practitioner to develop a safe and effective essential oil strategy for your condition.

– Greg

>> Next step: Click here to take our stealthy co-infection quiz to see which tick infections may be causing your symptoms.

P.S. Do you have experiences where treatment or remedies helped you eliminate or reduce inflammation and fatigue from a mycoplasma infection? Tell us about it.

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2. Schmucker RD, Ehret A, Marshall GS. Cerebellitis and Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus Associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Oct 22.
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9. Matsuda K, Narita M, Sera N, Maeda E, Yoshitomi H, Ohya H, Araki Y, Kakuma T, Fukuoh A, Matsumoto K. Gene and cytokine profile analysis of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in Fukuoka, Japan. BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Dec 16;13(1):591.
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15. US Food and Drug Adminstration CFR Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Vol. 3.
16. Tisserand, R. and Young. R. Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals. Second Ed. London, Churchill Livingstone, pp. 211-213.
17. Furneri PM, Mondello L, Mandalari G, Paolino D, Dugo P, Garozzo A, Bisignano G. In vitro antimycoplasmal activity of Citrus bergamia essential oil and its major components. Eur J Med Chem. 2012 Jun;52:66-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.03.005.
18. Celia C, Trapasso E, Locatelli M, Navarra M, Ventura CA, Wolfram J, Carafa M, Morittu VM, Britti D, Di Marzio L, Paolino D. Anticancer activity of liposomal bergamot essential oil (BEO) on human neuroblastoma cells. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2013 Dec 1;112:548-53. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.09.017.
19. You JH, Kang P, Min SS, Seol GH. Bergamot essential oil differentially modulates intracellular Ca2+ levels in vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells: a new finding seen with fura-2. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2013 Apr;61(4):324-8. doi: 10.1097/FJC.0b013e3182834681.
20. Laird K, Armitage D, Phillips C. Reduction of surface contamination and biofilms of Enterococcus sp. and Staphylococcus aureus using a citrus-based vapour. J Hosp Infect. 2012 Jan;80(1):61-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2011.04.008.
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23. Tisserand, R. and Young. R. Essential Oil Safety. pp. 440-445.
24. Harkenthal M, Layh-Schmitt G, Reichling J. Effect of Australian tea tree oil on the viability of the wall-less bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Pharmazie. 2000 May;55(5):380-4.
25. Furneri PM, Paolino D, Saija A, Marino A, Bisignano G. In vitro antimycoplasmal activity of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Sep;58(3):706-7. Epub 2006 Jun 20.
26. Warnke PH, Becker ST, Podschun R, Sivananthan S, Springer IN, Russo PA, Wiltfang J, Fickenscher H, Sherry E. The battle against multi-resistant strains: Renaissance of antimicrobial essential oils as a promising force to fight hospital-acquired infections. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2009 Oct;37(7):392-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2009.03.017.
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29. US Food and Drug Adminstration CFR Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Vol. 3.
30. Tisserand, R. and Young. R. Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Ed. pp. 387-390.

31. Barbour, E., El-Hakim, R., Kaadi, M., Shaib, H., Gerges, D., Nehme, P. Evaluation of the Histopathology of the Respiratory System in Essential Oil-Treated Broilers Following a Challenge With Mycoplasma gallisepticum and/or H9N2 Influenza Virus.

32. Yap PS, Lim SH, Hu CP, Yiap BC. Combination of essential oils and antibiotics reduce antibiotic resistance in plasmid-conferred multidrug resistant bacteria. Phytomedicine. 2013 Jun 15;20(8-9):710-3. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.02.013.
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42. US Food and Drug Adminstration CFR Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Vol. 3.

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Comments 28

    1. Post
  1. The Doug Coil Machine saved my life. Lyme 432 & 410. Mycoplasma 690. Strep 880. EBV 800. Bad herxes first month. Manageable the next 3 months. Far infrared sauna immediately after treatment for one hour significantly reduced herxes.
    Also , my digestion had stopped (gastroparesis). After losing 50 pounds in 6 months and now at 98 pounds my uncle heard about my situation and sent me his product and told me take 4x the amount and don’t give up when it gets worse. He explained herx reactions and I had lost my ability to function so I had no other choice. Within one month of 4 Theralac probiotics a night (again severe herx reaction). 18 ms later I am back to teaching and living.Alternative medicine saved my life. Froedert and Aurora told me it was anxiety, depression, and I was burned out because of being a mom and teacher. Never mind the weird circle rash on my hip out of no where the year before. I lived half dead for 18 ms. Then lost my life the next 18 ms. This marks a year of feeling amazing!!!
    We are slowing dying and being tortured by subclinical bacterias, viruses, and parasites. How can I help put an end to this????

    1. Post

      Hi Jennifer,

      Congrats on a year of feeling great!
      I’d encourage you to share your story to help bring awareness to the other people that are still struggling.

  2. After reading on your site about using essential oils to help fight a mycoplasma infection with which I was diagnosed just under a year ago, I started taking 1 drop tea oil in a glass of water daily for the last three weeks. I have noticed a dramatic reduction in muscle pains ( which had been migratory and acute in various parts of my back and neck for several years, but undiagnosed ), and have also been far less fatigued.

    In early January this year I also began a course of homeopathic mycoplasma 30c, 1 drop in a glass of water daily for three weeks, followed by 1 drop of mycoplasma 200c for one week.

    I believe that the combination of the two remedies, tea tree essential oil and the homeopathic mycoplasma, taken at different times of day, have hugely improved the infection. I will soon get a test to ascertain whether the mycoplasma infection has disappeared.

    Thank you for your very helpful website!

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  3. I used each of these essential oils on the soles of my feet in the morning after showering….2 or 3 drops each. Not immediately, but after 3 days the veins around my ankles and about 4 inches above broke out in painful swelling and looked red, purple and somewhat blistered. This scared me. This was such a bad herxheimer reaction. A dermatologist prescribed me an anti inflammatory cream. It has taken about 6 weeks for my skin to heal. Very painful.

    I am thankful for this. It’s been about 3 years and 9 months that I’ve been
    Infected with lyme. I was not treated for 5 months. Then was on IV antibiotics. Then a few more
    rounds orally. Then I refused to take anymore and have relied on
    Essential oils, herbs, vitamins, minerals and your website.

    After this painful reaction my left ankle is 98% free of swelling and pain. In fact it seems to have cured the pains I have had all these years and months up my
    Entire leg, both knees and left hip.

    I still have symptoms. And I so appreciate the emails you send me.

    Thank you.


    1. Post

      Hi Dolores, I’m glad those essential oils were so effective at relieving your pain! I’d highly recommend consulting with a local practitioner trained in essential oils for infections so you can minimize or avoid the extreme herxheimer reaction. They can be very potent, so I test each oil individually with each patient to see if it’s going to produce a positive healing effect. I also start my patients on very low doses.

  4. I was diagnosed w mycoplasma 2 weeks ago. Had taken z pack, just finished it. My symptoms are low blood pressure, intermittent nausea and lightheaded.
    Not sure if mycoplasma is causing my low blood pressure. Desperately need help to get this under control.
    They suggested eating salt to raise pressure. No other treatment was recommended.
    I would like to try some essential oils. Please advise brand, names and dose to use. I would like to try and use on my skin first I’d imagine?
    Thank you for all your help. Looking forward to your reply.

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  5. My son had Down Syndrome and I heard a great deal of our kids have mycoplasma. We love essential oils from Do terra and do have and use at home spearmint and maleleuca (tea tree). However, as my son is only 5 years old, we use a few drops on the sole of his feet. Would this be enough? Or shall we mix one drop of the oil with honey and give it to him. Do Terra is VERY concentrated!

    1. Post

      I’m sorry to hear about your son having Down Syndrome. I use a laser to deliver the frequency of the essential oil into children. This method minimizes a reaction to the oil and helps to penetrate into the nervous system and deeper areas of the body. I test each client to see if an essential oil has a positive effect on their system before giving it. I also formulate the oils into a liposomal form which helps them to penetrate deeper into the hiding places where mycoplasma are creating symptoms.

    1. Post

      Hi Kendra, I have treated a few patients diagnosed with mycoplasma. Multiple rounds of antibiotics did not relieve their symptoms. A combination of essential oils, liposomal herbs, cupping and moxabustion has been effective at eliminating their symptoms of joint pain, fatigue, and lack of motivation.

  6. What is the best way to use these oils for mycoplasma? It’s great to know which oils to go for, but how should they be used? Topically? Orally? Thanks.

    1. Post

      According to FDA guidelines, I need to see patients in person before recommending dosages or how to apply remedies. I suggest consulting with an essential oil therapist in your area.

  7. Thank you for spreading this info, I have Lyme and mycoplasma and Babesia. I have just started taking essential oils for Myco and am finding it is helping. Two things that I have found to be the biggest assistance in my healing journey 1). De-structured water (MRET i-h2o device) which causes herxes to be minimal to none. 2). Two anti-inflammatory food/herb based products that are the top in their category, Protandim (from LifeVantage) and Soul (from Rain International).

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  8. I have a series of Giemsa stainings showing mycoplasmas on my red blood cells …
    It is probably a Mycoplasma haemofelis.
    Difficult to verify because the labs do not have the PCR for this strain and the veterinary labs refuse to analyze human blood …
    This type of mycoplasmosis, formerly called cat’s haemobartonellosis, is very common in immunocompromised people: many cases have been reported in Brazil among seropositive people.
    These 2 diseases are close and are transmitted in the same way: by the claws of the cat or a cat flea …
    Symptoms :
    – headache, strong tinnitus, great fatigue, short bouts of fever, shortness of breath,
    – conjunctivitis, dirt under the eyelids, yellow eyes, eye strain, deep eye pain,
    – very loaded tongue, gingivitis, dental infections,
    – nausea, permanent swelling of the abdomen, pain in the liver and spleen,
    – weakened renal function, frequent urinary tract infections, sometimes urogenital.
    It seems to me that a lot of red blood cells are damaged because in places there is a very large number of “ghost” cells, diaphanous but still visible.
    The diameter of these ghosts is decreasing …, I wonder if they have not been pierced by mycoplasmas and they are losing their hemoglobin. This might explain the congestion of the spleen and the sharp rise in ferritin levels … (?)
    In addition, we often see inside some of these ghosts a swarm of small bacteria that spin inside (see video). It seems to me that they are also mycoplasmas because we find on Giemsa stains a few punctuated red blood cells, transparent and often much smaller.
    And, looking at these stains under a microscope, when focusing on these punctate red blood cells, we see spots at several levels of depth, indicating that the bacteria are indeed inside.
    I have tried different antibiotic treatments… only ciprofloxacine cleaned my RBC but I had a relapse after one month.
    I am still infected but I found that heavy dose of C vitamine (more than 10g a day) allow me to feel much better and I can see (Giemsa stainings) that my RBC are nearly cleaned
    I will try some natural tratments

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  9. We live in San Diego’s North County area. My daughter contracted Lyme about 17 years ago. She had to have surgeries, and we thought the Lyme would kill her. The Lyme wasn’t diagnosed properly for most of that time. After many doctors including NDs, she finally decided to try bee venom therapy at my request. It took about two years of bee stinging, but she is Lyme free today. Originally, I saw the BVT info at a site Ellie Lobel had. She has a book on Amazon (BVT for Lyme Disease). My daughter says to skip all other treatments and do BVT. Hope this helps.

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