Why These Four Methods Help to Reduce Inflammation from Lyme Disease

Greg Blog 16 Comments


For people that have inflammation, brain fog, or a lack of vitality due to Lyme disease and co-infections
by Greg Lee

Several years ago, one of my NASA colleagues had a memory lapse that almost ended in disaster. After moving into a new house, he hooked up a hose to fill up his waterbed. He soon got distracted with unpacking boxes and talking with other people. Over an hour later, he went back into his bedroom and his water bed had swelled up like a balloon to three times its normal size.

How is an overfilled waterbed similar to inflammation caused by Lyme disease and other chronic infections?

Similar to a ballooning waterbed, Lyme disease patients can have excessive inflammation
The immune system produces compounds called pro-inflammatory cytokines that can increase swelling in response to an infection. In the initial stages of an infection, this is a healthy response to an invading germ. In patients with chronic Lyme disease and/or co-infections, the immune system can over produce pro-inflammatory cytokines which can lead to persistent symptoms of swelling, pain, or mental fog.

Lyme disease and co-infections can trigger elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines
Excess interferon gamma (INF-γ), a pro-inflammatory cytokine, has been found in early Lyme disease patients with an erythema migrans (EM) rash. In patients with systemic symptoms, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor – alpha (TNF-α) were more frequent¹. In mice infected with Babesia WA-1 showed elevated levels of TNF-α and INF-γ². In animal studies on Bartonella henselae, these cytokines were elevated: INF-γ and interleukin – 4 (IL-4)³, TNF-α⁴, IL-1β, and interleukin – 6 (IL-6)⁵ in chronic and high levels of infections. Not only tick infections can increase inflammatory cytokines, so can secondary infections.

Secondary infections like staph and yeast can also elevate inflammatory compounds
Lyme disease patients that undergo lengthy antibiotic therapy are at a higher risk of developing secondary infections from yeast like Candida species, staph, and Clostridium difficile, In animal studies, Candida albicans has been shown to increase interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α), IL-1β, interleukin-8 (IL-8), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), TNF-α⁶, and inducible cyclooxygenase (cox2)⁷. Staphlococcus aureus in rodent studies induces TNF-α, IL-1β, INF- γ⁸, and IL-1α⁹. Clostridium difficile in animal studies has been shown to elevate IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-1β, interleukin-10 (IL-10), and interleukin-12 (IL-12)¹⁰. When cytokines are chronically elevated, they can produce stubborn symptoms of pain, swelling, and arthritis.

Elevated cytokines can lead to unhealthy side effects like joint pain and swelling
According to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s Biotoxin Pathway, toxins from Lyme disease, babesia, mold and toxic algae can lead to elevated cytokine levels which can produce symptoms of inflammation. Inflammatory symptoms can include: flu-like symptoms, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, unstable temperature, concentration difficulties, and increased clot and arterial blockage¹¹. Lyme patients with chronic inflammation report additional symptoms of arthritis, bloating, distention, digestion difficulties, a lack of vitality, memory recall problems, a racing heart, and insomnia.

How can knowing about “dampness” from Chinese medicine help patients to reduce their persistent symptoms of inflammation?

In Chinese medicine, dampness is a keyword for inflammation
Dampness in Chinese medicine can indicate swelling, inflammation, and the effects of an infection. Dampness can interfere with healthy functioning of the tissues, organs, emotions, and also the clarity of the mind. When describing symptoms of the body, mind, or emotions, this is referred to as internal dampness. Damp weather, like humidity or rain, and environments with lots of moisture, like swamps, are classified as external damp conditions. When a person is exposed to external damp conditions, their symptoms of inflammation can increase. Similarly, “damp” foods can also increase swelling and joint discomfort. Reducing consumption of damp foods can also decrease symptoms of inflammation.

Method #1: Stop eating “damp” foods that produce inflammation
Reducing your consumption of sweet or high fat foods like dairy, wheat, and sugar, helps to reduce internal dampness. By increasing the intake of bitter or tart foods and spices that are classified as “drain dampness” foods, you can help reduce inflammation. Daily consumption of tart cherry juice reduced TNF-α¹² and IL-1β¹³. In one rat study, tart cherry powder reduced IL-6, cholesterol, and belly fat¹⁴. In another rat study, wild blueberry reduced the transcriptional nuclear factor-KappaB (NF-kB), C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6 and TNF-α¹⁵. Not only foods help to reduce inflammation, but also herbs.

Method #2: Increase herbs that reduce symptoms of inflammation
Just like foods, there are herbs that help to reduce inflammatory cytokines. Turmeric, Chinese name: jiang huang, activates circulation and eliminates blood stagnation. It is used to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Turmeric is to be used with caution in weak patients that do not have signs of stagnation and is contraindicated during pregnancy¹⁶. Turmeric has been shown to decrease IL-1, IL-8, and TNF¹⁷. Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has inhibitory effects on cyclooxygenases 1, 2 (COX-1, COX-2), lipoxygenase (LOX), TNF-α, IFN-γ, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and NF-kB¹⁸.

Polygala tenuifolia, Chinese name: yuan zhi, expels phlegm (dampness) that causes mental and emotional disorientation, seizures, hearing loss, and lung congestion. This herb reduces abscesses, dissipates swellings, pacifies the heart and calms the spirit. Polygala is used with caution in patients with heat symptoms or dryness. It is also cautioned in patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers, and during pregnancy¹⁹. Polygala has an inhibitory effect on IL-1, TNF, and IFN-γ²⁰. Highly concentrated essential oils that are extracted from herbs can also help to reduce cytokines.

Method #3: Use essential oils that decrease inflammatory cytokines
Tea tree essential oil reduces TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-10 and PGE2²¹ in one lab experiment. Tea tree essential oil also has anti-microbial properties against fungal²², staph and E. coli²³ biofilms. Bergamot orange essential oil blocks INF-γ in one lab study²⁴. Apigenin, a flavonoid in German chamomile essential oil, inhibits IL-1a, TNF-α induced IL-6 and IL-8 production²⁵. These essential oils have been used safely internally and topically for years in patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. Not only food and botanical medicines can reduce cytokines, so can cupping with acupuncture.

Method #4: Get cupping and acupuncture to reduce inflammation
Another method for reducing cytokines in Lyme disease patients, wet cupping uses needles and suction cups to draw lymph fluid, blood, and toxins²⁶ from the body. In one study, cupping and acupuncture reduced IL-6 levels²⁷.

Patients report significant relief in their symptoms of inflammation, pain, depression, lack of vitality, and mental fog immediately after cupping. Cupping is cautioned in patients with weakness or anemia, and contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders. A combined approach can help reduce inflammation from Lyme disease.

Multiple methods and treatments can help reduce inflammation due to abnormal cytokine production
Before his water bed could burst, my colleague quickly shut off the faucet and let the excess water drain out the window. Decreasing inflammation can be enhanced through dietary modifications and herbs that “drain dampness”, and essential oils and treatments that reduce excess pro-inflammatory cytokines. Since some of these herbs and treatments are contraindicated with certain conditions, work with a Lyme literate acupuncturist and herbalist to develop a proper, safe, and effective strategy for your situation.

P.S. Do you have experiences where herbs or treatment helped you to reduce Lyme disease inflammation? Tell us about it.

>> Next step: Come to our evening lecture:  Getting Rid of Lyme Disease in Frederick, Maryland on Monday May 6th at 6pm to learn more about natural methods for swelling, inflammation, and pain caused by Lyme disease, co-infections, and yeast.  https://goodbyelyme.com/events/get_rid_lyme

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Comments 16

  1. I just started taking Golden Milk (turmeric paste in coconut milk) everyday…my pain levels are WAY down!!! Yeah…so easy, cheap, natural and delicious!!!

    1. Post

      Turmeric is awesome I love how it helps reduce inflammation and has anti-protozoa properties. Combining it with coconut milk sounds like a yummy combination!

    1. Post

      I test each patient’s pulses to see if Tea Tree and other essential oils are beneficial for their condition. Then, I mix 1 part tea tree oil with 1 part coconut oil and have patients start with one drop under the tongue and slowly increase. When they have a herx reaction then they reduce their dose by 10 – 20%.

  2. Though my Lyme disease was never diagnosed through conventional blood tests my symptoms fit the clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease. My conventional medical doctor dismissed the diagnosis of Lyme disease because my blood tests indicated certain bands and not others. As a result I underwent testing by a natural health practitioner using an Avatar machine and Electrodermal Screening (EDS). This system of testing revealed that Lyme disease and babesia were of concern. The EDS testing was also instrumental in helping to select customized herbal tonics specific to my needs. I received no conventional treatment but underwent herbal therapy which supported all organ systems. It took 2 and a half years before I tested clear of Lyme disease and babesia but today, 4 years later, I’m still healthy and well. Throughout the process the herbal formulas changed according to my requirements but I consistently took turmeric, teasel and Japanese Knotweed.
    EDS testing and herbal therapy were/are effective for me but the equipment itself is only as good as the operator. Expertise and experience make all the difference.

    1. Post

      I’m glad you are healthy and well after all those years. We have found an EDS system called Zyto to be extremely helpful in finding hidden infections and recommending specific herbs, supplements, and treatments. Our Zyto practitioner has worked with thousands of patients and we find his expertise invaluable.

    1. Post

      This product contains white willow bark, frankincense, and antioxidants. Frankincense is an excellent antimicrobial. Patients have cleared their mental fog and fatigue through burning frankincense. The essential oil is also excellent for neurological discomfort and healing trauma.

  3. EM, 1999ish central Michigan trophy deer area, negative on i dont know what lyme test

    ARRESTINtm 20??, cured many neouoL symptoms for a very short period
    HiDef vision
    amphetemin like energy (as best as i can recall final exam cram w/ ‘footballs or whatever other speed was around WSU 197?)

    BRAIN FOG GONE 110%(adderal currently helps, 1-22-2015) ARRESTINEFFECT gone before post periodontal cleaning 6-pack gone is

    Same effect next Arestin dose — Minocycline in slow release bubbles 6 or 12 or 18 months later — more soon,mike

    1. Post
  4. more on minocycline , oral acne dose + other ABX + elevated troponin debacle(10-2013) + story to follow

    have been on modified BRUIHNER PROTOCOL since early 2014 will add lavender oil and tea tree oil next

    MI raises troponin
    Marathon Run raises troponin
    Herx from Bb or Bx or By or Bz raises troponin

    Oct 2013, 6 days in cardio intensive care behind elevated troponin diagnosed as MI.
    my thought herx after ABX OD

    IGenX tests NEG, from bloods taken 9-2013
    more later,

    1. Post
  5. I have such bad brain fog and irritability as a result of it. I really haven’t been treated specifically for this but I am feeling desparate and quite depressed from not being able to keep up with my life. I am open to trying any protocol. I just get overwhelmed easily by too many options

    1. Post

      Sorry to hear about your brain fog. Our patients also get overwhelmed easily by too many choices. We break down their treatments and remedies into step-by-step instructions to make it easier.

  6. I have had constant vertigo ( feels like rocking on a boat, swaying, up and down , swirling etc) for over 4 yrs. Imbalance also. I have been treating lyme and cos. for a yr with auricular homeopathy. I have seen some improvement but my vertigo persists unfortunately. I have tried many natural treatments over this time but I herx so badly. Homeopathy was the only treatment I could tolerate. Any ideas on how to eliminate the vertigo that is so debilitating? Thanks

    1. Post

      I’m sorry to hear about your vertigo. In some of our vertigo patients, toxins from Lyme and co-infections have inflamed the part brain stem which filters sensory input. Treatments to reduce inflammation in this area of the brain like frequency specific microcurrent, wet cupping on the base of the head, cold laser, and liposomal anti-inflammatory herbs have help to reduce or eliminate their vertigo. Acupuncture has also been helpful. Anti-inflammatory essential oils have also helped.

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