VEGF is produced in the body to stimulate the production of new blood vessels[15]. In one study that looked at two species of Bartonella henselae, genotype I, aka Houston-1, and II, aka Marseille strain, genotype I was more virulent in human cells due to it’s ability to increase VEGF production and it’s receptor VEGFR-2 in human microvascular endothelial cells[16]. As new blood vessels grow due to VEGF production, Bartonella is then able to infect and spread through the endothelial cell lining of these new vessels[17]. Antibiotics are often the first course of treatment.
In multiple lab studies, Bartonella was successfully eliminated using these antibiotics: amoxycillin and ceftriaxone, aminoglycosides, doxycycline, rifampicin, erythromycin doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin[18]. However, treatment failures and relapses have been reported with rifampin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, co-trimoxazole, and azithromycin[19]. One reason for these failures may be due to resistant strains of Bartonella to antibiotics: quinolones[20], rifampin[21], macrolides[22], fluoroquinolones[23], and gentamicin[24]. Another reason for antibiotic treatment failure may be due to this bacterias ability to produce or to hide within a protective slime called a biofilm. In one study, B. quintana was discovered in a exopolysaccharide (EPS)-like matrix, i.e. bioflm, in lice feces[25]. Biofilms are believed to increase drug resistance up to a thousand times[26]. This infection can produce a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms.
Bartonella can produce many symptoms including anger, rage and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors
A Bartonella infection can produce symptoms of anemia[27], frequent headaches, visual and auditory hallucinations, anxiety, vision loss, paralysis, facial palsy, chronic insomnia, seizures, dizziness, cognitive dysfunction, and memory loss[28]. It has been found to mimic symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS)[29], stroke[30], vasculitis[31], breast tumors, pancreatic, biliary or pharyngeal cancer[32], and rheumatic disease[33]. One Lyme literate specialist reports anger, rage and obsessive compulsive behavior in her Bartonella patients[34]. Obsessive behavior may be associated with a reaction in a specific area of the brain.
Obsessive compulsive behaviors are a signature symptom in children diagnosed with Pediatric Autoimmune Disorders Associated with Strep (PANDAS). In children with PANDAs, an infection by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS), toxins, or inflammation stimulates an autoimmune reaction in the basal ganglia area of the brain[35]. This reaction produces obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors[36]. In one study, 19% of Bartonella patients showed lesions on brain MRIs in the cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, thalamus, and gray matter[37]. If Bartonella can produce abnormal MRI lesions in the basal ganglia, then it may be capable of producing OCD behaviors similar to a PANDAS infection.
What else can help you to stop a resistant Bartonella infection that produces angry outbursts, rage, or obsessive compulsive behaviors?
In Chinese medicine, when the liver becomes too hot or too dry due to excess toxins, a person may exhibit symptoms of sudden anger or rage[38]. A Chinese medicine diagnosis of liver stagnation, also known as congestion, along with a spleen deficiency is associated with OCD behaviors[39]. Obsessive compulsive behaviors have also been identified in people with toxic parasitic infections called Gu Syndrome in Chinese medicine texts[40]. Some patients with obsessive behaviors report a need to have their environment in a precise order by putting things in a specific place, extreme anxiety over unexpected surprises that disrupt daily rituals, or thoughts like, “Did I lock the door?” that they worry about over and over again. Fortunately, there are four herbs which may help to reduce obsessive behaviors, inhibit VEGF production, and lower rage by cooling and moistening the liver.
Limiting VEGF production may help to stop Bartonella from spreading. Harmonizing the liver is a Chinese medicine strategy for lowering rage and obsessive compulsive behaviors. Formulating remedies into microparticles called liposomes increases their penetration into endothelial cells[41] where Bartonella hides out, the liver[42], and the basal ganglia[43] Liposomal remedies have also been effective at reducing the production of VEGF[44] and its receptor VEGFR2[45], which may help to limit the virulence of Bartonella. These herbs have been used for centuries in traditional medicine formulas for treating angry outbursts, rage, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) behavior.
Angelica sinensis, Chinese name Dang Gui, has antimicrobial, neuro-protective, anticancer, anticoagulant, and liver-protective properties. In Chinese medicine, angelica is used to strengthen and replenish the blood and it’s used to treat anemia, pale complexion, dry hair, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue and weakness, palpitations and pain[46]. It is a primary ingredient in multiple Chinese herbal formulas for reducing angry outbursts or rage due to a liver imbalance[47] called liver yin deficiency or liver fire blazing.
In a lab study, angelica was effective at reducing VEGF[48]. In another study, angelica was effective at increasing cognitive abilities and brain plasticity of rats when under chronic stress[49]. Angelica also has demonstrated anti-endotoxin properties in multiple animal studies[50]. This herb has demonstrated an inhibitory effect on Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Corynebacterium diptheriae, Vibrio cholerae, alpha-hemolytic streptococcus, and beta-hemolytic streptococcus[51]. Another herb that is often used with angelica is peony.
White peony root, Chinese name Bai Shao, has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, CNS calming, and digestion healing properties. In Chinese medicine, white peony is used to nourish the blood, treat anemia, regulate menstrual disorders, relieve pain, reduce night sweats, nourish, cool and soften the liver[52]. A compound found in white peony called total glucosides was effective in reducing the abnormal proliferation of VEGF in a rat study[53]. Paeoniflorin, another component of white peony, demonstrated liver protective[54] and anti-endotoxin[55] properties in multiple animal studies. Albiflorin, another compound in white peony, demonstrated similar anti-inflammatory properties compared to paeoniflorin[56].
This herb has shown to have an inhibitory effect against Bacillus dysenteriae, E. Coli, Salmonella typhi, Pseudonomas aeruginosa, Staphyloccus aureus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus, and Diplococcus pneumoniae[57]. Peony is often paired with angelica in herbal formulas for treating liver imbalances, including those that are marked by irritation, rage, and angry outbursts[58]. Bupleurum is another herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for supporting the liver.
Bupleurum, Chinese name Chai Hu, has pathogen expelling, anti-malarial, liver harmonizing, and yang lifting properties. In Chinese medicine, bupleurum is used to treat infections with symptoms of fever, chills, fullness in the chest, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, poor appetite, nausea, vertigo, and irritability. This herb is often used to treat malaria, emotional distress, eye disorders, breast swelling and pain, irregular menstruation, jaundice, migraines, and prolapsed organs[59]. In Chinese herbal formulas, this herb is used to release anger and frustration that is inexpressible[60].
This herb has an inhibitory effect on B-hemolytic streptococcus, Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leptospirosis (a spirochete infection), influenza viruses, and hepatitus viruses Buplerum is cautioned in patients with excessive dryness and heat symptoms. There may an increased risk of acute pneumonitis when this herb is used with interferon[61]. Polysaccharides found in this herb have anti-toxin properties[62]. Bupleurum reduced depression in one human study by increasing Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)[63]. In a rat study, an herbal formula with bupleurum was effective at reducing inflammatory cytokines causing jaundice and liver hepatitis[64]. Bupleurum is a component with angelica and white peony in a famous formula called “Rambling Powder” to treat liver stagnation[65]. Withania somnifera is another herb for calming the emotions.
Withania somnifera, also called ashwagandha, has a very revered place in ayurvedic medicine. It’s properties are tonifying, replenishing, longevity enhancing, adaptogenic, stress reducing, anti-tumor, neuroregenerative, anti-arthritic, aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, anthelmintic, astringent, thermogenic, and stimulant[66].
Withania somnifera has been used to treat the following conditions: arthritis, inflammatory conditions, anxiety, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, and bronchitis. It is also used to treat disorders of the nervous, immune, and the reproductive system. It is especially used to treat nervousness, depression, digestion problems, and low libido[67]. This herb has also been used to treat gastric ulcers, uterine fibroids, dementia, memory problems, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s disease, mitochondrial energy depletion, rheumatoid, and osteoarthritis[68].
In one mouse study, Withania somnifera was effective at inhibiting obsessive compulsive behavior[69]. In a rat study, Withania somnifera demonstrated liver protective and anti-inflammatory effects against gentamicin liver damage[70]. This herb was also effective in multiple studies against Staphylococcus aureus, Methicilin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)[71], Enterococcus spp.[72], Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Citrobacter freundii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae[73], Aeromonas hydrophila[74], Plasmodium berghei[75], Linoleic and oleic acids from Withania somnifera were effective at inhibiting streptococcus mutans biofilms[76]. Withaferin A and withanone are compounds found in this herb that show inhibitiatory potential against leshmania protozoa[77]. Withaferin A also inhibited the production of H. pylori induced inflammatory compound IL-1beta[78], MMP-9[79] produced by metastatic cancer cells, and VEGF produced by brain cancer cells[80] in lab experiments. Using a combination of these herbs can help to fight the uncomfortable emotions triggered by a Bartonella infection.
People with Lyme disease that have uncontrolled anger, rage and obsessive behaviors may have a stealthy Bartonella infection affecting their liver and nervous system. Similar to canceling a credit card with fraudulent charges, these herbs may help to stop the spread of Bartonella through inhibiting VEGF. By harmonizing and decongesting the liver, these herbs may help to reduce angry outbursts and obsessive compulsive behaviors. Using liposomal anti-Bartonella herbs may be more effective in stopping Bartonella inside the liver, the basal ganglia in the brain, and in endothelial cells. Since some of these herbs have cautions on their use, work with a Lyme literate natural remedy practitioner to develop a proper, safe, and effective strategy for your condition.
>> Next step: Click here to take our stealthy co-infection quiz to see which tick infections may be causing your symptoms.
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Comments 4
I had Lyme Bartonnela, Bapesisas and 6 other coinfections . I refused antibiotics and began studying. I read Steve Buhner’s books on treatment for Lyme etc. I followed hie “advanced protocol” for about 6 months. It took around 6 hours every day, but it killed all my parasitic infections. It can be done. Its very hard to do. But I still have severe symptoms, { Pain, fatigue etc.) No one can figure it out( especially any AMA trained docs. Apparently if you wait too long to treat parasitic infections permanent damage will occur. Many of my organs are compromised and do not function well. Very few people know how to kill parasites, even fewer know how to repair the damage done to patients with chronic symptoms. I am looking for someone more advanced than I am regarding Lyme etc. I know a lot but Repairing your body is very difficult even once you have killed off the parasites. Steven Burners protocol works. Read his books and follow his recommendations.
So glad to hear that Stephen Buhner’s herbs worked for you. We use many of his herbs in our remedies. In patients that have successfully treated their tick infections that still have pain and fatigue, they can have elevated viral infections like CMV, EBV, Herpes, or West Nile. Antiviral liposomal herbs and remedies, homeopathics, essential oils have been extremely helpful for the remaining symptoms caused by a stealthy viral infection. Other patients have had difficulty eliminating toxins and inflammation, so anti-toxin treatments like wet cupping, frequency specific microcurrent, and moxabustion have been extremely helpful.
Another reason that Bartonella may cause havoc is the fact that it was just determined that to evade heme destruction it has a heme binding protein on its outer cell. This would lower the heme in the body and might trigger porphyria in those that are susceptible by genetic mutations.? In such patients, porphyria would cause neuro-toxicity – overload pathways for detox (methylation and sulphuration) and make a subject more prone to adverse reactions to treatments. How would we deal with such cases? Certainly liver phase 2 strengthening would be prudent.
Bartonella is known to caused red blood cell destruction which can lead to anemia. There are multiple herbal remedies in lab studies that affect heme oxygenase-1 production in the body. The Chinese medicine term for this effect is called blood tonifying, or blood building. Other herbs have been shown to protect and enhance liver detoxification in other studies.